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Events List 2025

8/9 February
Classic Dirt Bike Show – Telford

Come and join us on our stand B9 in Hall 2 for a catch up at the very popular Telford Classic Dirt Bike Show

24 May
Sammy Miller Motorcycle Museum

A Bultaco day at the Sammy Miller Motorcycle Museum, New Milton

All Bultaco motorcycles welcome and a chance to visit the impressive museum at a discounted rate for club members.

More details to follow.

28/29 June
Bultaco Weekend – Near Basingstoke

With kind permission of Mike Fisher the Bultaco Weekend will be held on his lovely organic farm near Basingstoke on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th June 2025. Let’s see how many Bultaco motorcycles, in whatever state, we can gather for this very sociable event.

More details to follow.

6 December
Kempton Park Bike Show & Jumble

Let us know if you’d like to display your bike on our stand at the show.

More details to follow.

For further information or to join the club visit the website or email


We wish all Bultaco Club UK members a Merry Christmas and a prosperous & healthy New Year.

Following the disappointing cancellation of the Kempton Classic Motorcycle Show and bike jumble due to storm Abigail we will be having a stand at the Telford Classic Dirt Bike Show on the 8th and 9th February 2024.

We look forward to seeing you all at the show and will be on hand to chat with existing and potential new members.

If you have an interest in showing a bike at a future event then please get in touch with Nick (07860 472869) or Trevor (07540 972366) or email

Can we remind all members who joined the club prior to January 2024 and haven’t already renewed their membership to please do so.

Membership renewal is only £10 per year and can be completed online by visiting and following the link on the membership page. If you have any queries please contact Trevor on 07540 972366.

We have an exciting list of events planned for 2025; see events list below and save the dates.


Bultaco Weekend Basingstoke Latest News

Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th June 2024

We’ve had a good response from members registering for this casual relaxed event of everything Bultaco, whether you own a well-used, an on-going restoration, modified, concours example or no bike at all. There should be a chance to buy a bike or make one up from the Bultaco Club jumble!!!

The event will be held at North Down Orchard, Burley Lane, South Lichfield, Nr Basingstoke, RG25 3BP.

Non-members can join on the day.

Camping will be available from Saturday with toilets and water on site.

The event will run from 12:00 on the Saturday until 16:30 on the Sunday.

Please note there will be a fee per member to cover the set-up costs of the event as follows:

  • £7 general admission per day, Under 16’s free (non-riding).
  • £20 additional charge if riding bikes valid for one day or £30 for two days.

For further information email  or contact Trevor on 07540 972366.

Lexie’s Event Catering are attending throughout. We encourage everyone to support them as they are putting themselves out for us with a ‘good healthy menu’!!

We will also be running a bar with Real Ale, Lager, Cider and ‘Bultaco’ wine.

We have booked the good weather and look forward to meeting up with as many members as possible.

Nick, Trevor, George, Archie, Mike & Stephen   

Provisional Timetable

Saturday 29th

Arrive 12 Noon onwards (campers from 11:00am)

12.30pm to 1.30pm  – Sign On / Lunch

Auto Jumble and display bikes all afternoon

1.30pm to 4.30pm – Trial Practice, Mike’s Oval (flat track), Woods Trail and Field Circuit

4.30pm to 6pm – Green Lane Road Run (Road Legal Bikes only) Limited numbers, please ask

6pm onwards – Evening Drinks and Food


Sunday 30th.

9am to 10am – Sign On

Auto jumble and display of bikes all day

10am to 12.30pm – Trial Practice

12.30pm to 1.30pm – Lunch

1.30pm to 3.30pm – Mikes Oval (flat track), Woods Trail and Field Circuit

2.0pm to 3.30pm – Green Lane Road Run (road legal bikes only) Limited numbers, please ask

3.30pm to 4.30pm – Presentations

4.30pm – Close of Day


Newsletter – Spring/Summer 2024

Chairman’s Report

Well how fast the months fly by! Before we know it, the Bultaco Weekend on the 29th & 30th June will soon be here. Preparations are already well on their way.

After yet another successful Kempton Park Show last December where our club won 1st Prize for our club stand, we moved into 2024 in a positive light.

The Telford Off Road Show is a big one for the club and a real effort was made by all involved to put on one of the best displays to date. With the inclusion of the large thumbs up shelf unit, kindly donated by the Edmundson family (Fast Eddy) really made a great display.

With opportunities to meet up with ex Bultaco World Champions like Berni Schreiber, Yrjo Vesterinen and the legendary Sammy Miller, who all had stories to tell about Bultaco history, it was a privilege to hear what they had to say.

Stephen Jennings, who brought two Sherpas along to the show, including a superbly prepared Sammy Miller High-Boy Sherpa which was a great addition to our stand.  More impressively, Stephen has also volunteered his services as a committee member and we look forward to his help in the future, so welcome on board!

Our Facebook page provides a good interactive platform despite initial teething problems. We have made some changes and now vet 95% of all communications and generally, this seems to be a great improvement.

We are looking forward to our Bultaco Weekend and we welcome you all to join us. Please pre-register if possible for the event to give us an idea of the numbers attending and help with the planning of the event. Don’t forget, as we did last year, there will be trophy prizes for the best presented Bultacos and/or riders on the Sunday afternoon of our Bultaco event.

These club events do provide a great forum for all who attend and many members have told us how much they enjoy what we do. All our members can contribute to making our events continue to develop.

If you feel you would like to show one of your Bultacos at Kempton Park at the end of the year, or would like to get more involved with the club, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Nick Morris, Chairman


Membership Secretary’s Report

An average of one new member joins the club each week which is great news and the club now has over 300 members. 

However the membership renewal rate (only £10 per year) is disappointingly low.

Could we please ask all members who have not renewed their membership in the last year to do so by completing an online membership form at and arranging a bank transfer or download a form and send a cheque to the address on the form.

It is important for the club to remain financially stable to ensure we have enough funds to support the maintenance of the website and upfront costs associated with attending shows and other events. 

Trevor  Gear, Membership Secretary


Technical Bulletin

A method to repair fibreglass tanks

Repair leaking fibreglass fuel tanks using Vinylester Fuel Resistant Resin suitable for laminating or sealing inside the tank. This resin will blend in well to your Bultaco tank’s original manufactured form. For sealing inside the tank, warming the resin prior to application will assist a runnier flow (warm weather not necessary) controlled by moving the tank around to direct resin to the area required. I suggest only repair what needs repairing to avoid unwanted weight.

An endoscope may be useful as not all areas in the tank can be seen.

Thorough cleaning preparation inside the tank is essential. This method is without use of water or slow evaporation water based solvents and detergents. Solvent cleaners with high evaporation qualities will aid quicker and effective drying out time.

1. Neat petrol as a primary cleaning solvent to flush out old 2 stroke oil residues followed by 

2. an Acetone flush, following this stage resin should be OK to apply. (Flush outs may need repeating depending on the state of your tank.) 

Stephen Jennings, Committee Member


Bultaco Weekend Basingstoke
29th-30th June 2024

An off-road extravaganza of all things Bultaco
All Bultaco models will be welcome

This is a Bultaco only Club event held over the weekend of Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th June 2024 with the kind permission of Mike Fisher on his lovely organic farm.

The event will be open to all 2024 paid up *Club members and their guests to come and join a casual, relaxed gathering and a chance to bring your prized Bultaco, whether it be well used, an ongoing restoration, modified, or a concours example.

There will be a chance to run bikes up and ride them on a track and trials area with a planned ride out for road legal bikes.

We will be having a Club jumble so you can bring any Bultaco bits to sell or swap.

The event will be located just off the M3 at South Litchfield near Basingstoke.

Free Camping will be available for Saturday night with toilets and water on site.

Please note there will be a fee per member to cover the set up costs of the event as follows:

  • £5 general admission per day early bird advance booking before 31 May 2024 (£7 per person after this date) Under 16’s free (non riding).
  • £20 additional charge if riding bikes valid for one day or £30 for two days.

The event will run from 12:00 on the Saturday until 16:30 following awards presentation on the Sunday.

A more detailed schedule of events will be published nearer the time.

Pay as you go event catering and a bar will be provided throughout the course of the event.

To help with the planning of the event please register your entry online with an early bird saving before 31 May 2024 at For further information contact Trevor on 07540 972366 or email

*Current Club Membership is considered as any paid up member from 01 July 2023. Members who haven’t renewed their membership can do so online or at the event for £10 and membership will then be valid until 31 December 2025.

Thumbs Up – Nick, George, Trevor, Archie, Mike & Steve


December 2023

Club Update Information

We wish all Bultaco Club UK members a Merry Christmas and a prosperous & healthy New Year.


Following our successful attendance at the Kempton Classic Motorcycle Show we will be having a stand at the Telford Classic Dirt Bike Show on the 10th and 11th February 2024.

We will be on hand at the Show to catch up with existing and new members and look forward to seeing you all there at the Show.

If you have an interest in showing a bike then please get in touch with Nick (07860 472869) or Trevor (07540 972366) or email

Can we remind all members who joined the club prior to January 2023 and haven’t already renewed their membership to please do so.

Membership renewal is only £10 per year and can be completed online by visiting and following the link on the membership page. Payment by bank transfer or cheque. If you have any queries please contact Trevor on 07540 972366.


Important Dates for your Diaries

With kind permission of Mike Fisher the Bultaco Weekend will be held on his lovely organic farm near Basingstoke on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June 2024. So save the dates and let’s see how many Bultaco motorcycles, in whatever state, we can gather for this very sociable event. More details to follow.

Yours in Sport

Nick, Trevor, George, Archie and Mike


November 2023

Club Update Information


The Club will be having a stand at the forthcoming London Classic Bike Show at Kempton Park Autojumble on Saturday 2nd December 2023 featuring a great collection of bikes from road racing, off road and flat track.  We will be in the main hall with 7 machines on show.
We will all be on hand at the Show with complimentary tea and coffee and look forward to catching up with both existing members and potential new members.
Can we please ask all members who joined the club prior to January 2023 and haven’t already renewed their membership to renew it. Membership renewal is only £10 per year and can be completed online by visiting and following the link on the membership page. If you have any queries please contact Trevor on 07540 972366.

Yours in Sport,

Nick, Trevor, George, Archie & Mike


June 2023

Bultaco Weekend Basingstoke – Latest News

An off road extravaganza of all things Bultaco.

All Bultaco models will be welcome


This is a Bultaco Club only event held over the weekend of Saturday 8th July and Sunday 9th July 2023.

The event will be open to all paid up *Club members and their guests to come and join a casual, relaxed gathering and a chance to bring your prized Bultaco, whether it be well used, an on-going restoration, modified, or a concours example.

There will be a chance to run bikes up and ride them on a track and trials area with a ride out for road legal bikes.

We will be having a Club jumble, so you can bring any Bultaco bits to sell or swap.

The event will be located just off the M3 at South Litchfield near Basingstoke.

Venue details will be sent out to club members and others who have registered an interest in the event nearer the time.

Camping will be available from Saturday with toilets and water on site.

Please note there will be a small fee per member to cover the set-up costs of the event on this lovely piece of land.

  • £10 general admission
  • £15 additional charge if riding bikes (Insurance)

The event will run from 12:00 on the Saturday until 16:30 on the Sunday.

Pay as you go event catering and a bar will be provided throughout the course of the event.

To help with the planning of the event please register your interest if you haven’t already done so by email to or contact Trevor on 07540 972366 for further information.

*Current Club Membership is considered as any paid-up member from January 2022. Members who haven’t renewed their membership can do so at the event for an additional £10 and membership will then be valid until 31 December 2024. 

Thumbs Up

Nick, George, Trevor, Mike, Archie

Bultaco Weekend Provisional Timetable

Saturday 8th
  • Arrive 12 Noon onwards (campers from 11:00)
  • 12.30 to 1.30pm Sign On / Lunch
  • Auto Jumble and display bikes all afternoon
  • 1.30pm to 3.0pm Trial Practice, Mikes Oval (flat track), Woods Trail and Field Circuit
  • 3.00pm to 5.00pm Green Lane Road Run (Road Legal Bikes only) Limited Numbers please ask
  • 6.00pm onwards Drinks and Food

Sunday 9th
  • 9am to 10am Sign On
  • Auto jumble and display of bikes all day
  • 10am to 12.30pm Trial Practice
  • 12.30 to 1.30 Lunch
  • 1.30pm to 3.30pm Mikes Oval (flat track), Woods Trail and Field Circuit
  • 3.30pm to 4.30pm Presentations
  • 4.30pm Close of Day


May 2023

Save The Date

Bultaco Day Basingstoke

An off road extravaganza of all things Bultaco.

All Bultaco models will be welcome


This will be a Bultaco only Club event held over the weekend of Saturday 8th July and Sunday 9th July 2023.

The event will be open to all paid up Club members and their guests to come and join a casual, relaxed gathering and a chance to bring your prized Bultaco, whether it be well used, an ongoing restoration, modified, or a concours example.

There will be a chance to run bikes up and ride them.  

We will be having a Club jumble so you can bring any Bultaco bits to sell or swap.

The event will be located just off the M3 near Basingstoke and if you would like to camp from Saturday there will be toilets and water on site.

More details to follow when arrangements are finalised.

To help with the planning of the event please register your interest by email at or contact Trevor on 07540 972366 for further information.

Thumbs Up

Nick, George, Trevor, Mike, Archie


January 2023

Club Update Information

Dear Bultaco Club UK Members

The Club will be having a stand at the forthcoming Telford Classic Dirt Bike Show on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th February 2023 featuring another great collection of bikes from road racing, off road and grasstrack.  We will have 7 machines on show and be on hand to catch up with existing and new members with an offering of complimentary tea and coffee.   

Any volunteers to help man the stand at the show would be welcome. Please contact Trevor on 07540972366 if you can help even if for only a short time.

We look forward to seeing you all there at the Show.
The committee are working on a calendar of other events for the year and this will be published once the dates have been confirmed.
Don’t forget to visit the Bultaco Club UK website for latest news or the new Facebook Group ‘Bultaco Club UK’ where you are welcome to post anything Bultaco related.
Yours in Sport,
Nick, Trevor, George & Archie


16th September 2020

Dear Bultaco Club members

Hope you are all well and in good spirits.

Hopefully most of your treasured Bultaco projects are all nearing completion, we just need somewhere to test and get them dirty.

Regrettably we have had to cancel this years planned annual Bultaco Day Basingstoke but it will be back bigger and better next year, all things being equal.

The response from members wanting to get involved and help has been amazing.

On a positive note club membership has been strong with a sudden surge of Alpina owners.

I will let all of you know if we have the normal club display at Kempton Park Off Road show in early December.

Lets hope it all goes ahead.

Thumbs Up




London Classic Bike Show
Saturday 3rd December 2022


28th November 2022

Dear Bultaco Club members

Club Update Information
November 2022

The Club will be having a stand at the forthcoming London Classic Bike Show at Kempton Park Autojumble on Saturday 3rd December 2022 featuring a great collection of bikes from road racing, off road and speedway.  We will be in the main hall with 8 machines on show.

Since the last show at Telford earlier this year, the Club has been going through some restructuring and now has Nick Morris as Acting Chairman, Trevor Gear as Membership Secretary and George Wood as Treasurer.  Archie Morris and Mike Fisher stay as committee members.

We will all be on hand at the Show to catch up with existing and new members as we move towards the New Year.

We look forward to seeing you all there at the Show.

Also Archie has created a new Facebook Group ‘Bultaco Club UK’. Please feel free to find (search within Groups), join and post anything Bultaco related to the Group.

Yours in Sport,
Nick, Trevor, George, Archie and Mike

Bultaco Day Basingstoke
31st July – 1st August 2021

Bultaco Day Basingstoke

An off road extravaganza of all things Bultaco.

This is a two day Bultaco only club event which is being held over the weekend of Saturday 31st of July and Sunday the 1st of August.

Open to all our club members and their guests to come and join a casual, relaxed gathering and bring your prized Bultaco or recent restoration and run it on the oval flat track, trials sections in the woods or open it up enduro style.

All Bultaco models welcome

Our event is located just off the M3 near Basingstoke and if you would like to camp from Saturday there’s toilets and water on site.

On both days we will be having a top end BBQ featuring Mike’s organic produce from the Orchard.

The ‘Black Bull’ bar will open from Saturday evening with the finest selection of Spanish and local plonk.

Also bring your Bultaco bits to swap or sell and have a haggle at the club jumble.

Let’s hope we can get as many models of this iconic motorcycle together and turn this into an amazing weekend, weather permitting.

All members will need to pre register to attend as numbers will need to be known before the event.

Please register your interest at

Please call 07860 844165 for more information.

Thumbs Up

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